Amar Randhawa
Amar RandhawaCertified Recovery Coach

Amar has an extensive background working in various government and community service levels. Amar’s healing journey led him to a passion for helping others who are struggling in a compassionate and non-judgmental manner that is deeply aligned with his meaning and purpose. He believes everyone deserves a chance to live their best lives and connect to their authentic selves. Amar is a Case Manager and Mindfulness Group Facilitator at one of Canada’s largest Addiction & Mental Health Treatment Centre’s.  

Amar is a certified Addiction Recovery Coach and is trained in various Mindfulness modules. He has completed training in Conflict Resolution (JIBC) and Cultural Competency (Province of BC). Amar is currently completing his MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction) training through the Centre for Mindfulness (University of Massachusetts), created in 1979 by Jon Kabat-Zinn. He has participated on various boards related to crime prevention initiatives, community capacity engagement & addiction & mental health support. Amar currently sits on the board of SACH (South Asian Community Hub).  

Amar enjoys walks on the seawall, hiking, connecting with his peers, travelling, bike rides with his kids, meditation practices and exploring the culinary delights throughout the Lower Mainland.